IZ8VYU 14075.2 VK2JJM 0657
IZ0ARL 14277.0 EA1BKO 0657
IK3PQH 7140.0 ON3EI 0657
KS4OT 14080.0 OK2LI 0656
DT0IP 18095.0 JR6RRD 0656
IQ9MQ 7160.0 IT9BGB 0656
ES2DR 18100.0 OM1AN 0656
DC1PM 14230.0 EB5DZC 0656
IU6OLM/P 7185.0 IU4FLP 0655
SN0GSMP 14264.0 SP9KRJ 0655
IZ5RKH 7147.0 ON3EI 0655
EA5HUS/P 7070.0 EB5JBO 0655
IK3PQH 7140.0 IZ5HEV 0655
TM51JO 7074.8 F1NQP 0655
F5JNE/P 7014.0 F4GVO 0655
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