W2SJW 21075.5 TA3AS 0015
KA3EHL 18100.0 SQ9NRF 0015
JA2IGY 28200.0 ZL2IFB 0014
N2NWK 14320.1 KD5UYZ 0014
WA8P 28074.0 CS7AUT 0013
W3YNI 21074.0 EA3CU 0013
W9AV 21075.5 TA3AS 0013
W6WX 28200.0 ZL2IFB 0013
4U1UN 28200.0 ZL2IFB 0013
KI6A 28075.1 VK3HAG 0012
KE8SCX 14074.0 HK4SAN 0012
N5WXB 21074.0 EA3CU 0011
KE8PZN 7278.0 KU4GZ 0011
KY4WI 18100.0 SQ9NRF 0011
JQ2JNQ 21029.0 KN2CZZ 0011
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